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How do you feed your machines and devices with base liquids and ingredients efficiently? How do you ensure availability of these liquids? With an automated solution it is easy to monitor both consumption and level and secure smooth operation to avoid dry running of your equipment. 

The liquid is taken out of the barrels by integrated pipes/tubes and additonal functions like recirculation, venting etc. 
can be added as well. Levels are controlled either by continouous measurment or by simple level detection (low-mid-high alarm).  Due to the fact, that the system is easy to handle, replacement from barrel to barrel is safe and tight suction part helps to protect the environment. For standalone system you can keep barrel lid free of hoses, fittings and cables, so refill is not difficult even for non-specialized staff.

"...100% customized solution to your needs"

Create Your OWN Barrel Solution
Fill in the application form and we do the best to support your application

BarrelSys P
PVC-U Standalone Barrel Suction system, including level switch and suction pipe
BarrelSys E
PVC-U/PP Barrel Lid Suction system, including 3 level switches and suction pipe

BarrelSys P TRI
Barrel suction lance with thead TRI with sealing (dedicated for SF barrel with UN inlets)
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